- 茶叶
- 2022-04-15 20:22:38
信阳毛尖 英文介绍
the first batch of Yao Chi. 9 fairies came to the mountain chicken, met Jigongshan after the住下. The sky 1, 2001 the world, they Wangmuniangniang restrictions on the 3rd is the world three years. Public fairies to Jigongshan the Guaidan Qifeng, Springs waterfall, tea Yicao the spring and summer autumn and winter 4:00 see all over the scenery, from the time limit is also available in 2002 back then. They discussed a good thing to do, to the left of the chickens the Mt. Office span is a good thing » Headed by the eldest sister, said: "Jigongshan should have, some are good, only less than one point." Zhongjie Mei Qi asked: "what point do» "I would have thought, Our nine sisters into nine thrush Bird, back to the Our cents to the title of tea, tea seed, not to fill this shortage! I do not know to Zhongwei and sisters willing to force it to » From a fairy all applauded. They also asked the title of it is not difficult to tea seed, to whom this kind of » Big Sister hand refers to the foot of the next, we see a bamboo hut, there are a few, are aware of the heart. That lived in the hut between a young man named Wu Dagui, read a book person. Because Diema died, he left one person alone. He Kanchai the land ring the day, homework at night to study, prepared by field test. Inside the walls of the White paste, the top read, "loneliness unique to the poor Wushuang." That day night, he made a dream, the dream of a fairy from the mountains down to the chicken He said: "chicken foot of soil and fertilizer landscape, climate suitable for Zhongcha. Starting tomorrow, thrush birds from nine cents in the tea garden to you To the title of tea seed. You in front of a large bamboo basket on a line, accept the tea seed, to the slopes of spring. Caicha to speculation tea, and my sisters to give you help. "Wu Dagui Peter Good heart-to: Oops, I was touched by Wu Dagui diligent reading of the gods ah! I can Zhongcha can bring much good will it bring » But wait But wait, You Shi Tianji not leaking, there are some within the intent of the kind of called it. The next day early in the morning, Wu Dagui get up, with uncertainty and a supervisor of the department to the entrance of Nake Dazhu on. Of the well, he Niutou to return to house and saw a thrush birds flying arrows general, the title of the mouth of the things to put a basket, a left. Wu Dagui very surprised, remove the basket of one, really is a seed, Suimo seen, said he believed that the dream of tea seed. Then, a shuttle came only thrush birds flying. 9 thrush birds to the title of a seed, pause a moment and is also one. This title for three days and three nights, a total of tea seed to the title of 9999. Wu Dagui very pleased, careful with the tea seed collection. The second year of a spring, Wu Dagui the 9999 All kinds of tea seed to the mountains. Qingming after tea seed germination, see the wind on the long, long days a tea-lam. Then fairy gave Wu Dagui Tuomeng to speculation he was preparing tea Daguo. Wu Dagui ready ready, Lin came to tea, Youjingyouxi. Only nine fairies are Caicha and everyone Liumeixingyan, such as peach face, not fat is not thin, not high not low. They do not Caicha hand, but with lips, Kanna Hong Yanyan of one of a small lips, light fast, the mining of oil under a tender tip of tea. Just a front-, and long out of the back. Mining for a while, nine Senzan mping sleeves, side of dance, while singing the "Song of tea." I saw them for one to sing: this is Sin Temple to plant tea trees, sister title to seed the world. The first mining (stubble)-End-wang, as early as the late-mining is Chai. Chun Cha Cha hard to Shibuya summer and autumn tea drinking can not be picked. Fine tight-straight multi-Bai Hao, also mentioned the spirit and Xiaozai. Xiaoyan opened to millions of households! Song stop dancing Albert, headed by the eldest sister come to the previous Wu Dagui said: "The eldest brother, sister-I and many啦. I will give you Shaohuo, to Our speculation!" Wu Dagui with a smile to the. He does not know Ze speculation. Big Sister to cut bamboo Zhacheng a bamboo broom and let him keep the pot stirred. Wu Dagui only think Chaxiangpubi, Kuaiba he smoked a drunk. Now Chaxiang speculation Shaohuo tea or woman, man and the palm pot; Caicha is woman, while mining sing. These are then passed down the habit. In this way, they are mining the speculation has been Mang Guyu. Fairies have left, new Wutaiguiqi on a cup of tea tasting. An inverted water, rising only slowly in the fog presented nine fairy, one after the fluttering exiting. Wu Dagui Duanqichabei a taste, full of Qingxiang, every happy, Jingshenhuanfa. Such good tea, who is from Gesha » Wu Dagui think: tea seed is thrush birds through your mouth to the title, is a fairy tea-with the lips, called "lips of tea". News spread, Yi-yang, heard that and immediately sent people to come to tea, take a look at counter; back, I take a taste, Paianjiaojue. Immediately as a tribute to Lao Zi Yan Xiaojing North Korea. At that time, Datang is the Jiangshan, when North Korea is Huang Shang Tang Xuanzong. That the lips of tea personally, to North Korea, also Bingming its origin, Xuanzong Daxi. North Korea in the second lips drink tea is the most loved Feizi Huang Shang Yang. She was the spirit of不爽, a cup of Chahe on lips, Bingti recovery, Tang Xuanzong happy, big lips and appreciation of tea, under Chuan Sheng Zhi: a chicken in the mountains to repair 1,000 a pagoda, thank the gods; II to the "lips tea "North Korea to extend into the middle of civil shall not drink; third, thanks to Wu Dagui two gold 1000, his intentions to care tea forest; four-justice is to know the state pension plus or Palace. Fada Cai Wu Dagui that all of a sudden, is to buy land, is built house, the chickens became the richest man in the Mt. Place on the size of Guanshi who would dare underestimate » He Yaogan this to the hard, honest neighbors would harm families, squeezing the people. Wu Dagui not Chengqin, like climbing a lot of people have access to your Yuemei, Kuaiba threshold to kick a discount. But whether we Guixiu, a door or daughter, he is also a Kan Bushang eyes. And the fairies as compared to nine all of the Chadetaiyuan. This time, he can not read into the book, Gankao the matter as early as thrown into oblivion. Wu Dagui think: fairies are Zhongcha Tuomeng me, let me first is the potential of the money, and then I Chengqin. Now I have money, and so next year only Caicha, to a nine fairies, are my friends. Cowherd also with a Zhinv However, I have to monopolize the nine Wu Dagui fairies, it is really God willing ah God willing! The second year of Ching Ming, Wu Dagui to nine the bride"s wedding and Chengqin things should be a good preparation for the morning. After Tomb Sweeping Festival, Lin tea every day to wait. The tea-day fairy have time to. Wu Dagui approached Dagongzuoyi: "nine sisters, you Laoshen efforts Let me make a fortune, I know that everyone"s kindness. The future this is not the tea-sisters, I have hired people, let them do it. You have with me the Enjoy a happy life. I am prepared to have the wedding okay, Let"s downhill Baitangchengqin it. "Since leaving nine fairy Yao Chi, Nagan forget the mother Niangniang regulations» Regardless of which have vertical Sifan means, in order not bad and sisters take turns down the chance to watch, but also do not want to at this time with private Qinglang. A year ago they did not expect the study also strenuously Wu Dagui, a money-Tanse funerals will become so fast. You Xiuyou恼sisters, turned around to find the chicken to the public.
信阳毛尖—详细介绍 信阳毛尖专卖--茶场直销--批零兼营--13523413215--hwqzw@163.com 信阳毛尖是河南省著名土特产之一,素来以“细、圆、光、直、多白毫、香高、味浓、汤色绿”的独特风格而饮誉中外。信阳毛尖茶清代已为全国名茶之一,1915年荣获巴拿马万国博览会金奖,1958年评为全国十大名茶之一,1985年获中国质量奖银质奖,1990年“龙潭”毛尖茶代表信阳毛尖品牌参加国家评比,取得绿茶综合品质第一名的好成绩,荣获中国质量奖金质奖,1982年、1986年评为部级优质产品,荣获全国名茶称号,1991年在杭州国际茶文化节上,被授予“中国茶文化名茶”称号,1999年获昆明世界园艺博览会金奖。 历史上信阳毛尖主产于信阳市、信阳县和罗山县(部分乡)一带。据查证。信阳毛尖独特风格的形成是在20世纪初期,清代季邑人蔡竹贤提倡开山种茶,随后出现了元贞(震雷山)、广益、裕申、宏济(车云)、博厚、森森(万寿)、龙潭、广生等八大茶社,发展茶园面积有400余亩,逐渐改进完善了毛尖的炒制工艺。新中国建立以后,国家对发展茶叶生产极为重视,采取了一系列扶助措施。特别是改革开放以来,随着科技的发展,信阳毛尖的产量和质量均有很大提高。目前,全市茶园面积有80万亩,开采面积70万亩,茶叶总产值8亿多元,社会总收入12亿元以上。产品畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国、德国、新加坡、马来西亚等国及港、澳地区。 信阳毛尖的驰名产地是五云(车云、集云、云雾、天云、连云)、两潭(黑龙潭、白龙潭)、一山(震雷山)、一寨(河家寨)、一寺(灵山寺)。这些地方海拨多在500-800米以上,高山峻岭,群峦叠翠,溪流纵横,云雾弥漫。乾隆时有个拔贡叫程悌,常游车云山而留有一诗:“云去青山空,云来青山白,白云只在山,常伴山中客。”黑白两潭景色更是绮丽诱人,清时张铙有诗描述:“立马层崖下,凌空瀑布来。溅花飞霁雪,暄石响晴雷。直讶银河泻,遥疑玉洞开。缘知龙伯戏,击水不能回。”这云雾弥漫之地,丝丝缕缕如烟之水气,滋润了肥壮柔嫩的茶芽,为制作独特的信阳毛尖提供了天然资源。 上等优质原料是炒制名茶的基础。信阳茶区属高纬度茶区,四季分明,茶园比南方开采晚、封园早。每年隆冬季节,冰雪封冻了高山,覆盖了大地,万物失去了生机,唯有茶树傲寒而立,青枝绿叶,茶花次第怒放,浓香溢人,煞有春意,似乎在向大自然宣告——我是强者。人们为了给这强者注入更强的活力,每年都及时对茶园进行封根培土,增施有机肥。茶树借助这特殊力量和休养生息的机会,贮存了大量的养分,满足了翌年生长需要,加之深山区阳光迟来早去,所以这里茶叶内含物丰富,特别是氨基酸、儿茶素、咖啡喊、芳香物质、水浸出物等含量,均优于南方茶区,为南方茶区所不及。这里采茶期分三季:谷雨前后采春茶,芒种前后采夏茶,立秋前后采秋茶。谷雨前后只采少量的“跑山尖”,“雨前毛尖”被视为珍品。每逢采茶季节,满山遍野身着红、绿衣的采茶姑娘,似仙女下凡,似玉蝶翩翩起舞,用她们纤细的嫩手,一朵朵、一芽芽的采摘细嫩芽叶。你怎会想到1千克特级信阳毛尖竟然需10万多个芽头。这里凝结了多少采茶姑娘的心血啊。“谁知杯中茶,朵朵皆辛苦”,可想信阳毛尖的采摘标准要求是如此严格。特级毛尖一芽一叶初展的比例点85%以上;一级毛尖以一芽一叶为主,正常芽叶占80%以上;二三级毛尖以一芽二叶为主,正常芽叶占70%左右;四五级毛尖以一芽三叶及对夹叶为主,正常芽叶占35%以上;要求不采蒂梗,不采鱼叶。80年代后期,新开展的特优珍品茶,采摘更是讲究,只采芽苞。信阳毛尖对盛装鲜叶的容器也很注意,用透气的光滑竹篮,不挤不压,并要求及时送回荫凉的室内摊放2-4小时,趁鲜分批、分级炒制,当天鲜叶当天炒完。 信阳毛尖品质好,端在炒中成。信阳毛尖炒制工艺独特,炒制分“生锅”、熟锅”、“烘焙”三个工序,用双锅变温法进行。“生锅”的温度140-160℃,“熟锅”的温度80-90℃,“烘焙”温度60-90℃,随着锅温变化,茶叶含水量不断减少,品质也逐渐成。“生锅”是两口大小一致的光洁铁锅,并列安装成35℃-40℃度倾斜状。“生锅”用细软竹扎成圆扫茶把,在锅中有节奏地反复挑抖,鲜叶下绵后,开始初揉,并与抖散相结合。反复进行4分钟左右,实成圆条,达四五成干(含水理55%左右)即转入“熟锅”内整形;“熟锅”开始仍用茶把继续轻揉茶叶,并结合散团,待茶条稍紧后,进行“赶条”,当茶条紧细度初步固定不沾手时,进入“理条”,这是决定茶叶光和直的的关键。“理条”手势自如,动作灵巧,要害是抓条和甩条,抓条时手心向下,拇指与国外四指张成“八”定形,使茶叶从小指部位带入手中,再沿锅带到锅缘,并用拇指捏住,离锅心13-17厘米高处,借用腕力,将茶叶由虎口处迅速有力敏捷摇摆甩出,使茶叶从锅内上缘顺序依次落入锅心。“理”至七八成干时出锅,进行“烘焙”;烘焙经初烘、摊放、复火三个程序,即成品优质佳的信阳毛类。上等信阳毛类含水量不超过6%。 信阳毛尖初制后,经人工拣剔,把成条不紧的粗老茶叶和黄片、茶梗及碎末拣剔出来。拣出来的青绿色成条不紧的片状茶,叫“茴青”,春茶茴青又叫“梅片”。“茴青”属五级茶,拣出来的大黄片和碎片末列为级外茶。经拣剔后的茶叶就是市场上销售的“精制毛尖”。为了适应市场经济需要,1994年元月,原信阳行署经专家论证,决定将同纬度、同工艺、同质量、同地区生产的毛尖茶统称为信阳毛尖。这是一个科学而明智的举措,起到了“地尽其利、物尽其用、人尽其才”的作用,从而使信阳毛尖产地扩大到9个县(区),形成了中国第一个名优茶生产基地。2003年2月19日国家工商总局商标局正式批准信阳毛尖注册证明商标,信阳市茶叶协会受信阳市政府委托,成为信阳毛尖的注册人。证明商标是公益性商标,可授权符合条件的单位使用。该证明商标规定:信阳毛尖证明商标的使用范围必须是东至固始县泉河流域、西至桐柏山大别山交界处、北到淮河沿线、南至大别山北侧信阳市行政区域内符合信阳毛尖品质特点和加工工艺的茶叶。
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